February 21, 2016 - Family Heritage Day and Annual General Meeting

Family Heritage Day and Annual General Meeting
Robert Grenier (left) accepting a gift of thanks for his presentation from President Wes Darou, February 21, 2016.

Cantley 1889's fifth annual general meeting was held at St. Elizabeth Parish Hall. After Wes Darou presented his president's report, he, Mary Holmes (treasurer) and David Snider were re-elected to the Board for 2 years. New members Sandy Fitzgibbon and Gary Blackburn were elected. Michael Rosen (vice-president), Margaret Phillips (past-president), Robert Grenier, Patricia Lawlor and Caroline Marchand remain on the Board for their second year term.

Robert Grenier presented a fascinating slide show of his work with Parks Canada searching for the Franklin ships The Erebus and The Terror. His maps and photos clearly explained the voyage of the ships in 1845 and strategies for his team's search for them. His photos of artifacts and his personal stories about his experiences working in the Arctic brought to life the Franklin expedition and its mysteries as well as the Arctic's hardships and beauty.

As usual, members enjoyed the displays, the home-made refreshments and conversation during the rest of the afternoon.

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