A celebration of Cantley's 125th birthday/25th anniversary of independence from Gatineau... the arrival of spring and maple syrup.
Close to 70 people of all ages enjoyed the delicious maple syrup-themed feast. Councillor Albert Potvin brought greetings from the Municipality, reminding us of the importance of this historic occasion and some plans for other special events this year to commemorate Cantley's 25th anniversary (see Cantley web site). He told of the Le Droit story of January 1989, "titrait de manière folklorique : Cantley danse son indépendance." This dancing tradition continued the rest of this evening too, as the caller taught everyone how to square dance to the music of his lively band.
Guests also enjoyed Cantley 1889's presentation of the NFB film "La Drave"/ "The Log Drive" and our display of historic Cantley photographs.
Everyone had a great time celebrating and experiencing a bit of Cantley's heritage.