Cantley 1889’s volunteers have written more than 150 monthly articles of local historical interest for publication in The Echo of Cantley, a non-profit bilingual organization that produces Cantley's only community newspaper.
The following article is reprinted here with permission from in The Echo of Cantley, Volume 32 no 6, December 2019.
Imagine our Cantley winter in earlier times – same snow – same montée de la Source, known then as The Old Cantley Road
In winter, summer roads disappeared under snow. Families travelled by horse-pulled sleigh through neighbouring farms, the shortest distance to the Old Cantley Road. Theresa Holmes remembers her father driving her by sleigh to the nearby farm, then walking to school with the neighbourhood children. When there was a storm, schools were closed, farms became snowbound.
As we cope with winter driving this winter, let’s think of how previous generations navigated through snow... and give thanks to today’s excellent snow removal services in Cantley!