Cantley's 1889 Articles in The Echo of Cantley

Echo Cantley Echo

Cantley 1889’s volunteers have written more than 150 monthly articles of local historical interest for publication in The Echo of Cantley, a non-profit bilingual organization that produces Cantley's only community newspaper.

The following article is reprinted here with permission from in The Echo of Cantley, Volume 26 no 10, May 2015.

Cantley 1889’s 50th Echo Article:

Five-years-old - Ten Cantley Stories and much to celebrate....

Margaret Phillips

Here is a summary of why Cantley 1889 has a lot to celebrate on its fifth anniversary.

May 2010 - 14 people interested in Cantley's heritage met to form Cantley's heritage/historical association Cantley 1889.

Mission : to discover, catalogue, protect and promote our heritage.

Logo: represents 3 elements of Cantley history- the peavey hook for logging; the miner's pick; the hay fork.

Accomplishments 2010 to 2015:

With thanks to 11 volunteer board members, 80 members, the many people who attended our events, The Echo, Gatineau Valley Historical Society (GVHS), Municipality of Cantley, C.L.D, other volunteer associations in Cantley and La Grange de la Gatineau.

Ongoing projects: research, interview early Cantley families, collect archival photos. Scan and catalogue with help from and thanks to the GVHS.

Advocacy: write letters to mayor, council and speak at Council meetings on various issues. Currently: creating lists of significant Cantley landmarks and people, advocating appropriate naming of Cantley streets and public places to refl ect Cantley's heritage.

Special projects: created framed photo display of historical photos on display in the lobby outside Cantley's Library (2012), wrote section of the GVHS "Gatineau River Heritage Paddle: a guide"/ "Pagaie et patrimoine sur la rivière Gatineau: Guide d'excursion" (2012), reprinted book "L'histoire de Cantley/The History of Cantley" (2013).

Biggest project (2011 to 2014): relocated and restored Cantley's tugboat with interpretive plaques in Parc MaryAnne-Phillips.

Inform citizens about Cantley's heritage: brochures, web site, monthly articles for the Echo (50 to date).

Events for the general public: scan day, cemetery tour, vernissage for the historical photos, 3 guided walks (Haycock Mine, Trees, Quarry), 8 illustrated talks, community celebration for Cantley's tugboat (2014).

Exhibits for: Heritage Paddle (2012), Veillée québecoise (2013), Cantley Fête (2014)


To celebrate Cantley's rich heritage and Cantley 1889's fifth anniversary, Louise Schwartz, editor of the GVHS's awardwinning annual publication Up the Gatineau!, invited Cantley 1889 to help select 10 contributors to write about a different aspect of Cantley's history for the 2015 edition, volume 41. Cantley 1889 is very proud that this Up the Gatineau! is dedicated entirely to Cantley... for the first time!

The GVHS invites you to celebrate with Cantley 1889 to launch this very special Cantley edition of Up the Gatineau! on Cantley 1889's fifth anniversary. Everyone is welcome!

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