Cantley's 1889 Articles in The Echo of Cantley

Echo Cantley Echo

Cantley 1889’s volunteers have written more than 150 monthly articles of local historical interest for publication in The Echo of Cantley, a non-profit bilingual organization that produces Cantley's only community newspaper.

The following article is reprinted here with permission from in The Echo of Cantley, Volume 26 no 7, February 2015.

A historical photograph is worth more than a thousand words

Bob McClelland

Cantley Road looking north, with Cantley United Cemetery on the left and on the right the intersection of St Elizabeth Road, circa 1940. (photo courtesy of Bob McClelland)

Do you ever wish you could see how your ancestors lived 75 or 100 years ago? What did their house, farm, church or school look like? One of the goals of Cantley 1889 is to find past photographs of people and places in Cantley, and have them scanned so future generations can answer these questions.

Cantley 1889 in collaboration with the Gatineau Valley Historical Society is creating an image bank of Cantley's photographic history. The process is quite simple. We scan your photos and return the originals to you, then record as much information as possible about the image, such as date, location, people in the picture, and the name of the photographer. As well, the contributor will be asked to sign a form giving Cantley 1889 permission to reproduce the photograph in future projects and publications or for use on our Internet site.

Cantley 1889's annual general meeting will take place at St Elizabeth Parish Hall on Sunday, February 22, at 1:30 p.m. To have your photos scanned, you can bring them to the annual meeting, or to set up an appointment, email or contact any director with Cantley 1889.

Orville McClelland and his wife Ferdinande Gilbert, holding a pet piglet, pictured on his father Samuel's farm in the early 1940s. Orville operated the general store in Cantley for more than 40 years. (photo courtesy of Gilbert McClelland).


Gilchrist (Gillie) Barton and Nellie Fairbairn on their wedding day, March 26, 1924. For many years they farmed on Storey Road in Cantley. (photo courtesy of Elsie Woodburn).


One of the oldest photographs of a Cantley resident is of John Smith II (1824 - 1874) with his daughter Jane and wife Margaret Hall. John Smith was born in County Armagh, Ireland, came to Cantley in 1831 and farmed near St. Andrews United Church in Cantley. (photo courtesy of Doug Smith).

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