Cantley 1889’s volunteers have written more than 150 monthly articles of local historical interest for publication in The Echo of Cantley, a non-profit bilingual organization that produces Cantley's only community newspaper.
The following article is reprinted here with permission from in The Echo of Cantley, Volume 26 no 4, October 2014.
The lively traditional fiddle music of 6 Barrhaven Fiddleheads and of Nathan Curry’s trio kept toes tapping and some dancing. Children, many with freshly-painted faces, had a wonderful time trying the heritage games, making kites and then fl ying them, and everyone enjoyed traditional treats... all organized by the Cantley Lions who were dressed in period costume for the occasion.
Many had fun playing Soccer Cantley’s games and creating tugboat drawings at the La Petite École craft table. Everyone admired the beautiful creations of L’Art de l’Ordinaire artists.
At 2 p.m. the bagpiper, with his haunting music, led the crowd to the tugboat. There, Cantley’s first historic plaques were unveiled by 11 of Cantley’s 18 Gatineau River Rivermen. When their much-loved foreman, Léo Vanasse, was asked to cut the ribbon he grabbed Armand Lepage’s arm saying, "We have been together all of our career. We will do this one together"... one of many emotional moments at the Tugboat elebration.
There was hardly a dry eye among the 250 spectators when these Rivermen stood proudly together for the first time on the deck of the revitalized E. Champagne since logging ended in 1992.
The party continued while Mayor Brunette and Councillor Potvin served beautiful cakes decorated with a boom full of chocolate logs and with E. Champagne.
The party continued while Mayor Brunette and Councillor Potvin served beautiful cakes decorated with a boom full of chocolate logs and with E. Champagne.
Le projet du remorqueur de Cantley ~ The Cantley Tugboat Project
C. L. D. – MRC Collines-de-l’Outaouais
Municipalité de Cantley, les bénévoles de Cantley 1889 volunteers
Le remorqueur et son site / The Tugboat and its site
Les Soudures G.L.I.
Environnement E.L.B. Inc - Claude Lanthier
Location d’équipements lourds - Jean-Luc Lacroix
Excavation Robert Dubeau - Robert Dubeau & Walter Wilcott
Société historique de la Vallée de la Gatineau ~
Gatineau Valley Historical Society archives
Conception Graphique - Nadine Marsolais & Jean-François Paquet
Autograph Enseignes/Signs
Metal Supermarkets
Quincaillerie Cantley
Fête du remorqueur / Tugboat Celebration
L’Art de l’Ordinaire – Club Lions de Cantley – Soccer Cantley
La Grange de la Gatineau
Maquillage / face painter - Créations Kako - Mélanie Lanois
Gâteau ~ cake : Yolande Labrecque
Musiciens / musicians : The Barrhaven Fiddleheads
Nathan Curry, Linda Miller, Brian Higgins
Cornemuse - Bagpiper - Guy Nadeau
Un merci tout spécial aux Draveurs de la rivière Gatineau
Special appreciation for The Rivermen of the Gatineau River
secteur Cantley/Chelsea sector